Photos: Grassroots Boxing In Mexico Alive and Well

Despite the world situation amateur boxing not only in America but here in Mexico has survived for the most part.

Bringing youngsters and boxers of all ages and ability levels through its doors.

Day after day.

Week after week.

Month after month.

Year after year.

One key thing we wanted to do here in Mexico is get more of an innate understanding of how these boxers train and develop behind the scenes.

After visiting an amateur boxing gym here in Colima tonight one thing stood out.

When you’re in boxing gyms no matter where in the world.

Whether here in Mexico.



Or anywhere.

One thing rings true.

In all of them.

Time and time again.

The time and tested traditions and values of hard work, dedication, blood, sweat and tears.

Many of the routines steadfast and universal.

Things that just work.

In any time.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it or change it.


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Without grassroots boxing and gyms like this there is no big time boxing or stars of the future.

Support of these gyms across Mexico and America is vital for the continuation of boxing as a sport.

Places that do a tremendous amount of good for cities across the country.

Boxing offers so much and does more than most sports ever will behind the scenes.

We’ll be doing some more videos of the sparring in amateur gyms soon in Mexico.

As well as more professional events here in Mexico too soon.

One key difference here in Mexico however is at just 15 or 16 some of these kids can turn pro and fight professionally right away.

Saul Canelo Alvarez obviously a good example.

These young men and women often pursuing a boxing career in the United States and in Mexico.

Or if not left with values such as discipline, respect and genuine foundation of work ethic that they can carry through with them.

Throughout their life time as productive upstanding members of society.

Thank you and big respect to coach Jorge and amigos tonight.

For letting Boxing News and Views take a look in Gym Guardado.

Plenty more of these to come in gyms and fights around Mexico soon viva Mexico:


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