Johnny Nelson Has A Surprising Opinion On Mayweather-McGregor

Johnny Nelson, the well respected ex-world champion and now successful pundit, has raised a few eyebrows with this.

The Sheffield man once was the best cruiserweight on the planet. Not long ago, either.

Renowned for his awkward style and freakishly good stamina, Nelson bamboozled and out hustled some of the world’s best back in his day.

Not long ago in fact he was even thinking about a once-off comeback to the ring for a fight with Marco Huck. It never materialized in the end, however.

Nelson is often praised for his on point analysis before, during and after fights in his current role for UK broadcaster Sky Sports but he’s come in for a bit of flack for his take on Mayweather vs McGregor.

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Most people in the boxing world don’t give McGregor any chance outside of a freak injury happening to Floyd on the night.

One of the greats of his generation vs a man making his pro debut in the sport tells you all you need to know on why.

However Nelson sparked a lot of controversy within the boxing community with the following remarks on McGregor’s chances in the contest:

What do you think? Does Nelson have a point? Feel free to throw your thoughts in on social media.

Following the international press tour last week for Mayweather vs McGregor here is Nelson and colleague Adam Smith speaking about the fight this morning where Nelson further explains his stance: