Former undisputed heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis is probably one of the most intelligent fighters that ever lived.
Very underrated in all-time ranking talks too.
His fight style of boxing and fighting would have been problematic for any competitor.

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Any era surely.
His brain, jab, always unpredictable but consistent mentality and work ethic, propensity to always learn and improve, adaptability mid-fight and being able to adjust — and power — was tremendous.
Powerful Lewis took on all challenges of his day.
His sense of range and distance also exemplary for his era at heavyweight surely.

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Lewis drops some nuggets of insight every now and then occasionally on social media.
Surely another one here ahead of Christmas:
Lewis had an uncanny methodology in the boxing ring when competing as an active fighter for sure.
An always improving version of himself as time went on.
The only two times he suffered defeat was perhaps only because he beat himself.
In that he didn’t fully prepare properly for both contests.

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He faithfully avenged both those defeats however to McCall and Rahman.
Great voyage had Lewis in boxing:
(Hat tip Reznick YouTube)