Katie Taylor vs Amanda Serrano Biggest Female Boxing Fight Of All Time

Slow at the moment in boxing news for sure.

Certainly moving forward with it being slow in boxing will have to reevaluate all aspects of what stories we are covering now in these slow times for boxing and the ones that get the most traffic time resources permitted.

Certainly pick and choose now as related to any fooking bull Brit either, promoter or otherwise, who we’ll support or chose to back with our coverage moving forward not being at some of these fights at the moment due to this pandemic. Question integrity again and see what happens ya fook ya. Cheeky pups out there. They fooked up now. No more help for some now until we get help back as well. Done too much help for too many and at the end of the day they do fook all for ya in return. This is work at the end of the day. It’s about the boxers at the end of the day to cover, not promoters or any of these other personality social media fooks. There’s no loyalty in this cesspit of a business. Boxing great sport but bull politics not for us. No thank you.

Can’t do it all and must be objective as possible as relating to the big fights and stories that boxing fans and general sports fans in America and elsewhere want. Ya try to be bloody kind and some maybe think they can take advantage. No more. Fair is fair.

If others don’t like it fook them, go somewhere else, it is what it is, they’ll do absolutely nothing either.

The biggest fight in female boxing this year for sure looks like it will be Katie Taylor vs Amanda Serrano in New York on April 30th.

Great to see both of them getting such an opportunity too at this point in their careers.

Genuinely great fight too.

Something boxing fans genuinely seem to be interested in seeing.

Hopefully it lives up to the hype.