When Has A Politician Ever Built Something Or Made Life Better For People

In the big fight news and war news at the moment — alleged democracy commences in a freefall dive into the abyss like it has never seen in its existence — this summer some are trying to figure out what to do with some politicians.

Probably best to just get rid of many of them to be fair.

Maybe send some of them to another country or give them a pension thing or something.

When have they ever done anything other than talk.

Or built something useful for the world.

Or ever made anyone’s lives better.

So what’s the use of some of them?

Maybe a few good ones but the majority just the same.

When you ask yourself those common sense questions the answer is — never.

All they do is talk.

Deliver on nothing.

Some of their time is about to come to an end this summer in some places.

Much quicker than was previously expected too as the system completely breaks down and market crashes.

Whatever happens and whatever unfolds the future is bright regardless.

All day, all day!

Have a good weekend enjoy it 🙂