Boxing legends Roy Jones and Mike Tyson are deep in preparation for what promises to be an interesting, if nothing else, coming together later this year.
Billed as an exhibition bout in California it’s clear to see both combatants’ natural fighter instincts have kicked in as time has gone on.
Once a fighter always a fighter, it’s only natural that both have been upping the ante as the weeks have gone by.
Indeed, both seem to be taking this deadly serious as a real fight despite the idea that it is just an exhibition.
Even though both are on the wrong side of 50 now, with modern scientific advancements incorporated in their training and still both possessing enough hand speed and punching power to knock most men out, its hard to see this been an exhibition.
Once that first clean dig lands surely old warrior instincts will kick in and leather will fly.
Roy Jones’ latest warning for Tyson and display of impressive hand speed for a man of his age proof he’s taking Tyson serious:
Not bad at all.
While many seem to think Jones’ diminished punch resistance in the latter part of his pro career will make it short work for someone of Tyson’s power, Tyson will have to catch him first.
Jones showing above that his speed is clearly not too shabby at all.
Alas, don’t expect a high level heavyweight championship caliber fight here but don’t expect it to be just an ‘exhibition’ either.