Mike Tyson Goes On The Attack After Computer Game Cold Shoulder

Former heavyweight champion of the world Mike Tyson is not happy to put it lightly about how he feels gaming giant Nintendo have treated him.

Many will fondly remember the iconic ‘Punch Out’ game from years ago for having some of Tyson’s legendary knockouts as one of the biggest pulling points for the game.

Tyson has claimed that the company are planning on bringing out a new version of the game and didn’t even contact him about it.

Although, he hasn’t gone into much detail exactly by what he means at length just yet but is hinting that there will be a big story to come very shortly.

He’s not backing down and is keeping the pressure on Nintendo, promising:

For those who remember another classic computer game from years ago ‘Street Fighter’ — it was also pointed out on his podcast that Tyson’s name was stealth fully used by another gaming giant:

Time will tell what comes out of this Nintendo situation but it’s certainly gotten people talking and sticking up for the former boxer.

Tyson now hosts a popular podcast these days called ‘Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson’ where he has in recent months brought on some star studded guests from the entertainment industry.