Tenshin Posts Emotional Statement Following Mayweather Defeat

Floyd Mayweather and Tenshin Nasukawa made a lot of money this past weekend for their boxing exhibition held in Tokyo, Japan.

It was never meant to be a legitimate fight nor was promoted as one but Tenshin did train for the fight it is understood as if it were a real fight and he certainly got that for his troubles via a first round beating and stoppage defeat.

A kick boxer / MMA fighter fighting even an old Floyd Mayweather was never going to have a chance under boxing rules ultimately.

Floyd brought his own referee, ring announcers and singer of the national anthem with him to Japan even.

He was never going to put himself in harm’s way being the best businessman-boxer that ever lived.

Zero risk for maximum reward. Fair play to him really.

As for Tenshin, he’s now posted the following lengthy statement in English on social media following the fight:


As for what’s next for Floyd talks of a possible Manny Pacquiao rematch continue to do the rounds.